One of the best ways to encourage teens to think deeply about differing belief systems is to intentionally add worldview discussions to teen co-ops. Or, better yet, organize a co-op centered around worldviews! Regardless of the theme of a teen co-op, one can be intentional about the subject matters included in the co-op in order to help the students think critically, speak articulately, question respectfully, understand the world around them and, most importantly, be ready always to give a gentle answer for the hope they have!
Here is a short podcast (less than 10 minutes) that gives specific instructions for adding vital subject matters and specific exercises to co-ops in order to help prepare teens for life after high school. This podcast discusses the following:
1) Using power point to organize each co-op as well as encouraging students to use power point during their presentations.
2) Current events should be discussed weekly so that the students have an idea about what is going on in the world and so that they understand the importance of trusting sources, researching truth, and discovering all sides of each issue.
3) Including worldview discussions is imperative. Ideas have consequences and everyone has a belief system that influences presumptions as well as conclusions.
4) Learning to ask pertinent questions (and to respectfully question answers) is vital training for future conversations that involve contradictory opinions.
5) Practicing debate prepares a student to think critically and deeply about issues that matter. Learning to follow the argument of an opponent in order to understand and discuss issues is a skill to be mastered!
6) Break out sessions encourage students to discuss, share opinions, and resolve conflict in a mature manner.
Once a student leaves home, he will be exposed to a myriad of belief systems and many of these systems will, more-than-likely, contradict the Biblical worldview. Truth is truth and your student should be well prepared to question, discuss, and share his thoughts and ideas with others in such a graceful manner that those with opposing beliefs will be challenged to give serious consideration to a biblical worldview!
Worldviews in Review
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
But wait! There's more . . .
Philippians in 28 Weeks (and yes, this includes instructions for easily memorizing the entire book of Philippians) What does it mean to love him with all your mind? The Bible is banned in many countries. Countless believers have sacrificed their freedom—and many, their lives—to spread the message of God’s love and salvation contained within its pages. Are we exercising our freedom responsibly?
The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions (definitely not for boys only, based on a parable written by George McDonald) Watch this Lego animated video!
As it says on the website,
Do not let the title deceive you–this elegant fable is not for girls and women only. It captivates boys and men as well. Prepare to encounter sleek wolves, slobbering hyenas, and an assortment of beasts that go bump in the night. Step into enchanted rooms with pictures that become doorways into the familiar or the fantastic. Witness weak-willed parents who blindly overindulge their children…and reap the destructive consequences. Meet a fearlessly loving and wise woman who confronts stubborn ignorance and ugly pride with unflinching discipline, truth, and grace.
The Wise Woman enchants readers while it contrasts the ugliness of pride, selfishness and conceit with the beauty of humility, sacrifice, and compassion. By offering students 16 to 24 literary analysis questions per chapter, this 160-page spiral bound edition teaches critical thinking in a way that is engaging and transformational.
The Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal is a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview. It may be used as independent study for middle school and high school students, yet is equally appropriate for use by adults.
Wait, there's more ... there will be a pre-publication sale on the Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal beginning on C. S. Lewis' birthday (Black Friday)!!
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a blessed holiday!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Raising children who share your worldview . . .

If what we believe is true, then our beliefs will stand up to any and all questions. If what we believe is not true, then the sooner we find that out, the better. Having attended a school that emphasized the memorization of information for a test (chew up and spit out), I was never encouraged to ask questions, to question answers, or to give much thought at all to the meaningful and important questions that pertain to life (who are we, where did we come from, why are we here ...). So, parents, begin having intentional conversations with your children. Start young, but if your children are already teens, it's not too late.
Three means to encourage a child to embrace their parent's faith as their own are through camps, co-ops, and classes. Camps like those offered by Summit Ministries and Worldview Academy not only offer great teaching, but they expose your children to other adults who are like-minded, and, perhaps even more importantly, give the students the opportunity to question and discuss important issues with other students. Co-ops offer a safe and friendly environment conducive to critical thinking, discussion, and oral presentations, all of which help students sort out their beliefs. I have both a blog and a podcast on co-oping. The last resource, classes, includes workshops and seminars as well as college classes. Dual enrolling at a Christian college, especially one with a worldview emphasis, is an avenue worth pursuing. Bryan College not only offers a very affordable dual enrollment program (only $100 per credit hour), but they have added an 18 day trip to Italy to study fine arts! (Who wouldn't want to study fine arts in Italy?)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Contest for FREE iPad mini

I wish we had something like this 28 years ago when I began homeschooling! As soon as this site is launched you will have access to podcasts on a variety of subjects and you do not have to listen online (although you can) because you will be able to download the talks to itunes!!! How cool is that?
I am also excited that I have been asked to do a weekly show on homeschooling co-op style and I already have several guests lined up to interview for future shows. There will be podcasts that are worldview related as well!!
So, if you want to win an ipad mini, stay tuned!
If you want to know more about the Ultimate Radio Show, stay tuned!
If you blog and you want to share the contest with your readers, let me know!!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Wonderful, Free, Thought Inducing Resources!!
When I find a resource that is worldview related, I want to share it with the world (or at least with my friends and the readers of my blogs). Because I write a blog directed to homeschooling co-ops in addition this blog, I find the information shared often overlaps. For that reason I link one blog to the other.
For those who do not have time to read the entire blog, this is the video I will be sharing and here is a link to a study guide for the video.
The resources that will be mentioned in this blog can be used at home, in a classroom, in the car, with a co-op, individually, at camp, at Sunday School (all of a sudden I feel the urge to stop and write this Dr.Seuss style . . . You can use this in a car, you can use this near and far!
Recently a ten minute video was posted on Facebook that needs to be shared ... here and there, near and far, in the car . . . well, you get the idea. Not only should it be shared, but it should be discussed, in depth and, for that reason I have written up a study guide to this video that I will give you for free! Aren't I nice? I'm trying to be intentional about living my life for the good of society, for the good of others, and for the good of the kingdom of God (go to 6:33 on the video to catch this reference). If I did this successfully, you can access the study guide by clicking on the words! The link to the video is here.
What is it that causes me to appreciate a resource well enough to share it? Here are a few areas that I find important:
1. The message is clear and succinct.
2. The message is well presented, whether in writing or video format.
3. The message contains information that should be pondered, discussed, and acted upon.
What resources, generally, fit this description? I will list them below, but I will warn you that they all have something in common. Rather, I should say, they have some one in common ... John Stonestreet. Years ago,when John was teaching at Bryan College and working for Summit Ministries, he and I conducted worldview seminars for homeschooling families in the SE and we recommended that parents subscribe to Breakpoint, a ministry started by Chuck Colson. Breakpoint is a great resources for keeping on top of what is going on in the world. Neither one of us realized at that time that John would become very involved in this ministry, especially after Chuck Colson's death.
John still works with Summit Ministries and Summit offers a two week leadership camp for teens that, in my opinion, should be attended by every teenager and young adult (and there are sessions for educators as well). Before Chuck passed he started a video series called "Two Minute Warnings" that John now oversees. Here's an introduction to these videos! In addition to Summit and Breakpoint, John has videos in the "ReEngage Series" and this is where the video was produced that caught my eye, prompting this post. (This is the video that goes along with the study guide mentioned above.)
If you watch this video with a group, I would suggest pausing the video and discussing the points as they are made. There is a lot to talk about in this less-than-ten-minute presentation (hence the study guide).
John Stonestreet is a favorite speaker of Summit students and homeschooling parents (and anyone else who happens to be in the audience). He often speaks at worldview events and homeschool conferences. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him in person, go hear him. You will be glad you did!
For those who do not have time to read the entire blog, this is the video I will be sharing and here is a link to a study guide for the video.
The resources that will be mentioned in this blog can be used at home, in a classroom, in the car, with a co-op, individually, at camp, at Sunday School (all of a sudden I feel the urge to stop and write this Dr.Seuss style . . . You can use this in a car, you can use this near and far!
Recently a ten minute video was posted on Facebook that needs to be shared ... here and there, near and far, in the car . . . well, you get the idea. Not only should it be shared, but it should be discussed, in depth and, for that reason I have written up a study guide to this video that I will give you for free! Aren't I nice? I'm trying to be intentional about living my life for the good of society, for the good of others, and for the good of the kingdom of God (go to 6:33 on the video to catch this reference). If I did this successfully, you can access the study guide by clicking on the words! The link to the video is here.
What is it that causes me to appreciate a resource well enough to share it? Here are a few areas that I find important:
1. The message is clear and succinct.
2. The message is well presented, whether in writing or video format.
3. The message contains information that should be pondered, discussed, and acted upon.
What resources, generally, fit this description? I will list them below, but I will warn you that they all have something in common. Rather, I should say, they have some one in common ... John Stonestreet. Years ago,when John was teaching at Bryan College and working for Summit Ministries, he and I conducted worldview seminars for homeschooling families in the SE and we recommended that parents subscribe to Breakpoint, a ministry started by Chuck Colson. Breakpoint is a great resources for keeping on top of what is going on in the world. Neither one of us realized at that time that John would become very involved in this ministry, especially after Chuck Colson's death.
John still works with Summit Ministries and Summit offers a two week leadership camp for teens that, in my opinion, should be attended by every teenager and young adult (and there are sessions for educators as well). Before Chuck passed he started a video series called "Two Minute Warnings" that John now oversees. Here's an introduction to these videos! In addition to Summit and Breakpoint, John has videos in the "ReEngage Series" and this is where the video was produced that caught my eye, prompting this post. (This is the video that goes along with the study guide mentioned above.)
If you watch this video with a group, I would suggest pausing the video and discussing the points as they are made. There is a lot to talk about in this less-than-ten-minute presentation (hence the study guide).
John Stonestreet is a favorite speaker of Summit students and homeschooling parents (and anyone else who happens to be in the audience). He often speaks at worldview events and homeschool conferences. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him in person, go hear him. You will be glad you did!
Monday, September 2, 2013
It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist . . .
Should the United States become involved in yet another foreign conflict?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that:
· Syria is a Muslim nation.
· Striking Syria will bring about even more animosity and persecution towards Americans living on foreign soil.
· The Koran and Hadith are intolerant of differing belief systems, to the point of imprisonment and death.
· Calling an attack on another country a “strike” does not lessen the implications of the results.
· Calling a strike on a country which is in the midst of political turmoil will cause unwanted results.
· Calling a strike without congressional support is unconscionable.
· Declaring war without congressional support is unconstitutional
· The Syrian conflict has no real connection to U.S. security and there is little our country can do to bring about a peaceful regime.
· A victory on either side in Syria will not bring to power a government friendly to the U.S.
· Years of spending money and sacrificing lives of U.S. soldiers in the Middle East has not helped to bring peace to those countries.
· Striking Syria as a response to the killing of innocent lives will, more than likely, kill more innocent lives.
I am saddened by the horrific results of the recent chemical attack, and I pray that these nations can resolve their conflicts in a peaceful manner. However, as terrible as the situation has become, our country needs to be very careful about our response, asking three questions (not necessarily in this order):
1. Is the response constitutional?
2. Is our response moral?
3. Will the response we choose resolve conflict in such a way that lives are saved, freedoms are protected, and our nation’s security is not jeopardized?
If necessary, we need to be like the young man, below, who was willing to take a stand against his government when it was not the popular thing to do!
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